Know About The Right IV Cannula Size and Color- 2024

Product Information

By Komal Mahajan

Hello Readers, Welcome to Healwell Surgitech, We care for your loved ones! Did you think about how  Intravenous (IV) therapy works? The administration of fluids, medications, and nutrients directly in the vein is a vital tool in healthcare.

IV Cannula

 But to perform this process, where thin tube needs to be inserted IV cannula is required. Patient of  different age group requires IV cannula which are marked with various color codes and number.

Why Size and Color Matters:

Imagine threading a needle through a delicate silk thread versus a thick rope. That is an analogy to choose an appropriate size of IV cannula size.

Younger patients particularly infants and children have small veins compared to adults. To use a cannula that’s too large can damage the vein and cause complications. So, there comes the color coded system come in.

IV cannula are available in various sizes, differentiated by a standardized color code. This system allows healthcare professionals to quickly identify the appropriate cannula size for a patient based on their age and vein size.

yellow color cannula

 Color Code and Size

Here is a quick check of the IV cannula sizes and their corresponding colors:

  • Orange (14 gauze): This is the largest size, used primarily for adults in emergency situations. This is the condition where the patient require rapid blood transfusions. Due to its large size, it is rarely used in pediatrics.
  • Green ( 18 gauze) : A common size for adults in various procedures where the process requires blood transfusion, trauma situations and CT scan with contrast dye.
  • Pink (20 gauge): Is the most commonly used size for adults . This is ideal for non emergent situation like administrating medicines or fluids.
  • Blue ( 22 Gauge): This is smaller size which is often used for adults with smaller veins . This IV is used for administrating slow rate infusion
  • Yellow ( 24 Gauge) : Avery small size , primarily used for infants , neonates hand some elderly adults with fragile veins.
  • Purple (26 Gauge): The smallest size typically reserved for neonates add premature babies with very delicate veins.

Age and Right Size:

The general guideline for cannula size selection is based on age. but to consider the individual need and vain assessment is crucial. So it is recommended to consult healthcare professional for cannula selection before purchasing

  • Newborns and Infants ( 0 – 1 year old) : The vein are tiny of new born. The size 24 gauge and 26 gauze ( yellow and purple ) are preferred.
  • Children ( 1- 12 years old) : As children grow, their veins become large. The size 22 gauze ( blue)  and 24 gauze (yellow) are commonly used with size selections depending upon individuals vein assessment
  • Adolescents( 13- 18 years old) : adolescents Typically have been closed adult size. The size 20 gauge (pink) and 22gauze ( blue) might be suitable depending upon individual vein assessment.
  • Adults ( 19+ years old) : For adults, size selection varies based upon the procedures and vein size. The size 18 gauge (green), 20 gauge( pink) and 22 gauge ( blue ) are commonly used.

Video illustration:

Some Additional Considerations:

With the colour code offers a helpful starting point but there are some additional factors to consider while choosing the IV cannula :

  • Patient medical conditions: There are certain conditions which might influence cannula size selection. For example patients with fragile veins might require a smaller size.
  • Experience of healthcare professional : insertion technique and experience of the professional also plays a pivotal role.
  • Type of IV therapy: The type of fluid and medication being administered influence the size selection (Source: Wikipedia)
doctor injecting cannula

Keep it safe and Effective:

Choose the correct IV cannula size not only ensures patient comfort but also the minimises the risk of complications, like :

  • Infiltration: Leaking of fluid outside the vein which can damage the surrounding tissue.
  • Phlebitis: Inflammation of vein
  • Catheter dislodgement: The cannula coming out of place accidentally.

Q: Which cannula is used for adults?

Ans: The condition depends 18 gauge, 20 gauge, 24  gauze is appropriate. The color is green, pink, blue and pink.

Que: What is IV cannula color?

Ans:  Orange (14 gauze) : This is the largest size, used primarily for adults in emergency situations. This is the condition where the patient require rapid blood transfusions. Due to its large size, it is rarely used in pediatrics.
Green ( 18 gauze) : A common size for adults in various procedures where the process requires blood transfusion, trauma situations and CT scan with contrast dye.
Pink (20 gauge): Is the most commonly used size for adults . This is ideal for non emergent situation like administrating medicines or fluids.
Blue ( 22 Gauge): This is smaller size which is often used for adults with smaller veins . This IV is used for administrating slow rate infusion
Yellow ( 24 Gauge) : Avery small size , primarily used for infants , neonates hand some elderly adults with fragile veins.
Purple (26 Gauge): The smallest size typically reserved for neonates add premature babies with very delicate veins.

Que: What is a pink cannula used for?

Ans: pink color cannula is most commonly used for adults. The condition could be non-emergent where the requirement is to administer medicine or fluids.

Que: What is the largest cannula?

Ans: The size mainly ranges from 14 to 26 gauze. Different sizes have different color-coded Decannulation is the permanent removal of the cannula

What is the use of a 17 gauge cannula?

The use of this special gauge is used in the condition where there a chance of traumatic and major surgeries . This would be helpful for fluids and medication intake administration.

Conclusion: The next time when you see a healthcare professional inserting an IV, remember the meticulous thought that is behind the seemingly  simple process. The size and color of canula are not the random choices but a reflection of careful consideration for patient’s safety and optimal treatment.

When one understands the color coded system and the importance, a deep appreciation for precision  and dedication goes in every step of healthcare.

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Disclaimer: The content participated in the blog posts is for information purpose only. The purpose of content, visuals and images and other accoutrements of the website are to promote broad consumer understanding and knowledge of health related motifs. It isn’t intended to be a cover for any of the treatment, judgement or medical advice. Always seek the advise of good healthcare provider with any questions, no way disregard professional medical advice just on the base of information shared on the website.

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Komal Mahajan, Co- Founder of Healwell Surgitech.

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