Regular Checkups Can Prevent Brain Stroke-Health Experts: 


A brain stroke is an emergency that needs immediate attention. It is crucial to recognize the time of the treating the stroke .  

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White Lightning

A stroke occurs when the blood supply to the brain is suddenly interrupted or reduced, leading to a neurological emergency.  This interruption can be caused by a blocked artery (ischemic stroke)

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Orange Lightning

Symptoms of  ischemic stroke

Sudden weakness in arms,  Facial asymmetry,  Problem in speech,  Severe headache,   Confusion, vision issues like blurred vision or loss of vision in one or both eyes,  Loss of balance or coordination

White Lightning

Prompt Treatment in the golden hour can play the pivotal role ( 3 hours ) in lowering brain damage and improving outcome

To get yourself prevent from the stroke, make some lifestyle modifications like quitting smoking and avoid heavy alcohol use

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White Lightning
Orange Lightning

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